Monday, August 22, 2011

It's a boy!

We had our 20 week ultra sound today. What an exciting day! Blake and I decided to invite mine and his mom. I loved having them there, because Blake does not show his excitement, so it was great to share in the excitement.

While our ultrasound tech was trying to get a good profile shot of the babe he kept moving around. I guess it completely flipped during the time she was trying to take measurements. We might have an energetic sucker on our hands. It was so nice to hear everything was healthy/normal.
After finding out it’s a boy I called/text everyone to let them know. My little sister Aubree was really hoping it was going to be a girl. So when I told the family everyone was really excited except for her. While we were hiking in Montana I asked her why she didn’t want me to have a boy. She said because boys are crazy. I said well I bet if we have a boy he will be cool. “Oh” she says “cool like Blake?” yep I said cool like Blake.

Here’s a funny story

I don’t know if it was because I was nervous/anxious, warm, or because I was laying on my back for so long, but during my ultra sound I started to get really dizzy, and then I started having hot flashes. Apparently I passed out for a few seconds. I wake up to my mom saying my name. I guess I was twitching, so she was really worried I was having a seizure. I was just fine, but I woke up saying I’m so embarrassed.

Why I'm excited for a boy. . .

 I hear all about how fun it is to dress up girls. But, I am honestly so excited to have a little boy to play with. A little boy who will probably be a lot like his daddy. Which I am okay with, because I love his daddy a lot.


Caley said...

Yay for boys!! I can't wait to see him!

Becky said...

Love it! I made a beard hat for Christopher, and a tie on beard for Thomas' Halloween costume. Boys are so much fun!!!